NDLA brings you yet another H5P content type: Escape Room

Here’s yet another H5P content type that NDLA sponsored and that you may want to try out. It was not coded by myself, but that’s no reason to not show it to you, right? NDLA will set up their own page, but why shouldn’t you know about the content types now?

Without further ado, here’s Escape Room (or a very rough idea of it that I patched together quickly):

It’s quite obvious that this is based on H5P Group’s Virtual Tour, but it has been changed a lot and many features were added. Among other things, with Escape Room you can:

  • use panoramic images (instead of 360° images that require a special camera),
  • add audio playlists to play ambient music in your rooms (optionally),
  • add more subcontent types (Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks and Crossword),
  • optionally block access to a scene until a correct code is entered,
  • add invisible hotspot areas,
  • add text to a scene directly,
  • have a score board for the exercises (optionally),
  • zoom in and out of a scene (optionally),

Want to use it already?

The content type is still lacking a final round of testing, so small things may still be changed or tweaked. But it should be fine to be used. The H5P core team will also be asked to review the content type, and when they find time , they should release it on the H5P Hub.

If you want to use the content type right away, look for the Reuse button underneath the content. Use that button to download the demo content, and then upload the .h5p file onto your H5P enabled platform. Please note that you will need to have permission to install H5P libraries. Otherwise, you cannot install the content type this way. In that case, your system admin will need to assist you.

The source code is available as well, if you want to check it before installing or if you want to build the libraries yourself:

Is it available in my language?

In theory: yes! If it’s missing, you can fill in the gaps yourself on translate-h5p.tk (seems to be down currently).

Any future plans for that content type?

You will have to ask NDLA 🙂 It is their content type.

4 Replies to “NDLA brings you yet another H5P content type: Escape Room”

  1. Very cool content type, one of the most interesting so far. I’ve been playing around with it a few days now.

    So far I can’t find (or simply it is not a feature) 3 things.

    1. Autoplay of the background music.
    2. Playing a sound one time when getting in to a scene. Seems to loop the whole time.
    3. Simply sounds when unlocking something.

    Any idea if any of my points are possible with this current version or that it is simply not available?

    1. 1) Autoplaying audio (or video) is something that browsers prevent without the user having interacted with the page.

      2) Is this a bug report? Sound should not loop when entering a scene, of course. Cannot check before Monday though.

      3) There already is an audio event for ‘Unlocking a stage’.

  2. Thank you for replying

    1) seems that somtimes it autplays and sometimes not. Because there is no autoplay option i was confused if it was possible.

    2) I quess it is then. Because all short sounds like opening a door sound keeps repeating.

    3) You mean when inserting go to a scene button and then lock that button? I cant seem to find a way to play a sound with it.

    1. I am sorry. For some reason, I answered for “Game Map” 🙂 Next try …

      1) Autoplay is at the mercy of the browser, please compare https://developer.chrome.com/blog/autoplay
      2) The audio is meant for continuous background music, not for single sounds, as far as I know.
      3) I don’t think there is such an event. You should reach out to NDLA for feature requests. It’s not my content type.

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