Pick the Symbols!

One of the great things about H5P is the possibility to improve it. If you require a content type for a certain task, you can code it. If you can’t code, you can still take the initiative, look for funding and then hire someone. That’s exactly what the “Schule Bubendorf” (school Bubendorf) did! Even better: The new H5P content type named “Pick the Symbols” is openly available. Here it is!

As a teacher, all you have to do is to enter a text and to decide which punctuation marks the students should pick from to complete the sentences – or symbols in general as this option has been left open intentionally. The rest is done by the content type. It will present you and your student with an exercise like the one above.

There are some things you can tweak. For example, you can change the background color of the blanks. Furthermore, you can increase the difficulty if there are consecutive blanks (e.g. in direct speech) and you don’t put in all the blanks up front. The students will have to add the missing ones on their own. And if you like, you can also make sure that all blanks are reset after checking.

It’s intended to publish the content type in the official H5P Content Type Hub, but the H5P core team will have to find some time to review the code first. If you want to use Pick the Symbols now, you (or your admin) can download the the sample content above, upload it to your platform, and then you’re good to go.

Of course, the source code is available as well: https://github.com/otacke/h5p-pick-the-symbols.

It’s your turn!

You want to support some H5P development? But you cannot code, and you also don’t want to start your own fundraising campaign? Then toss a coin to Schule Bubendort. They collect donations in order to be able to mandate someone (not necessarily me!) to create more content types.

Idea #1: “Highlight the Words”

Teachers can define word categories and color associated with the categories, assign them to words of a text, and the students will have to mark the words with the colors similar to Pick the Symbols.

Idea #2: “Spreadsheet”
Teachers can define a table with numbers, text and blanks – and the students will have to fill in the blanks inside the table correctly.

So, please feel to transfer some exchange money using the subject H5P-Entwicklung to

  • Recipient: Schule Bubendorf
  • IBAN: CH35 0076 9020 2108 8389 6

If you have any questions regarding donations, please contact Ueli Nick directly. He’s the headmaster of Schule Bubendorf (schulleitung@schulebubendorf.ch).

Kindergarten und Primarschule Rektorat
Krummackerstrasse 18
CH-4416 Bubendorf

12 Replies to “Pick the Symbols!”

  1. Hi,

    Could it be possible to omit spaces a part of the symbols to check?

    I’m trying to create an activity to test the correct understanding of the intonation of questions, so I just need to test if there’s a question mark at the end or not.

    Thanks for your help!

    1. You’re welcome. Glad you like it, and I believe “Schule Bubendorf” who partially funded the content type are glad as well. Feel free to drop them a note as well via email – would probably make them happy 🙂

  2. Hi Oliver. Is there a way to have more than one character? I’d like to use this content type for word suffixes e.g. English plural forms: is the word ending -s or -es?

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